Friday, November 9, 2007


so, this one's more of a normal post. not stupid psudo-creative prose here, just dictation of my mind's narration. well, maybe i'll weave some in, steadfast-like.
so, i saw a great job and might get fired from my show. or, vice versa. Caribou and Battles were playing up the street (well....a 20 minutes bike ride, but still on the same street...) so i bought tickets earlier this week. it was a late show at the metro, so i could possibly make it in time for both headliners and still work that night. just to be safe, i left work 10 mintues early (i'd come in early the past few days) and the store was almost closed, i finished everything i needed to and closed up the wine shop. then, the manager of the store up stairs gets in a huff because i'm leaving (i went out of my way to say bye to him) and kind of said he'd tell on me, which was ok by me. he was asounded, for some reason; i guess that's not how they do things there? news to me.
anyways, biked to the show, caught caribou RIGHT as they (he) were (was) starting and it was qutie beautiful. sold out show, so i didn't get that great of a place to stand, at least sound wise. but then battles came on and fucking ROCKED it. i really couldn't believe how good they were at doing what they do, making crazy orchestrated sound while still keeping such a rock mentality. quite a knowledge of their instruments and the countless gadgets to process them through.
on the long bike home, though, it was quite a journey in my mind. i went from 'i probably won't get fired' to 'what if i do get fired' to 'i kinda hope i get fired' in about 7 miles @ maybe 14mph. it made me realize that i like the job, but there are the drawbacks (i mean, i only make minimum wage), and i know i could find something better and probably more lucrative to do with my time. i'd mostly miss my boss, alan, who's quite awesome. and i've never been fired from a job, so that whole experience could be good to go through, kinda like going to jail the first time and finding out how you feel about that. anyways, i bet i'll go in and just get a talking to and apologize and not do it again, but we'll see. i mostly just hope i get my chamomile tea back that i left there.

1 comment:

matthew said...

UPDATE: i didn't get fired, and no one said anything. i'm actually drinking at work right now, and on the internet. man, fuck privilege.