Monday, December 10, 2007

The Road to Recovery!

last night was spent at a dive called ronny's, after work all day. abe (treasure mammal) played there to a small but intimate crowd consisting of mostly people from arizona. we made jokes about shitty arizonan restaurants that we love. nothing sums up arizona like the california burrito.
anyways, we danced like idiots for 30 minutes while abe flopped around and it was the most fun i'd had at a show since i've been here. and i've been to a lot of very neat shows here, very entertaining music that i was lucky to have an opportunity to see. but it's all still so consumptive and spectator based. being a substantial part of something makes it multiply infinately. and the dancing included grinding, hugging, skanking, falling, everything. the most fun i'd had at a show since phil played, perhaps. ahhh, to friends and a warm glimpse of arizona again. if there's ever one man flailing around to a drum machine and irony, i'll always stand up and dance.

on a lighter note, i came home and took a bite of a poppyseed something and started to eat it, when brant said, "yeah, renae gave me that," after which i spit out what i hadn't yet swallowed. i saw it this morning, was hungry, thought about my current stance on food (i'll eat ANYTHING if it's free), and then threw it in the trash. and as i stated to brant: "really, honestly, without our stupid superstitions regarding ex's, what ARE we?" right?


matthew said...


yusufyusuf said...

Nice blog...

Meg said...

is part of the superstition to spell her name wrong?

I thought you were going to say that the poppyseeds had turned into some form of opiate and then you tripped the fuck out.

matthew said...

i WISH!!!

yeah, the spelling was intentional, because i always used to spell her name wrong before this blog, down to the é in rené. but it's all good, i talked to her and gave her a cd yesterday, she gave me some mittens.