Sunday, December 23, 2007


I started to think that if you wrote down your daydreams, they may start to substantiate themselves. it's like if you don't move when you first awake in the morning, and you really think about what you were dreaming, then write it down, then read it later in the day: it becomes real again. i remember daydreams constantly, but if you don't stick with them they tend to escape into the general unconsciousness. the part that's just a feeling and not an image. i considered doing this as i watched people at my work trying to catch a bird who'd entered the store and was trapped by large front windows. it was a cute little bird, maybe a swallow. i don't know birds much. but greater than the obvious spiritual rejoice that came when it was trapped in a box against the window and then brought outside to freedom, i noticed how everyone entered that bird (those working and those shopping) and concentrated on the plight of it. memories wiped clean. the comfort of being trapped in the moment always says 'fuck freedom' to me.

notable daydreams in groups of five with no particular order: 1) drinking st. germain again, maybe finishing off the bottle myself and then creating a new mixed drink that turns in the new mojito or something and makes me a lot of money 2) bringing some of my favourite people from the city of chicago home with me to have a nice overnight drunk and to be shown exactly what the benefits of the small town are all about 3) actually physically breathing in sand at a beach while wondering why that seems so pleasant 4) forgetting everything 5) being trapped in a hotel room on my own accord, having the beach or the city or both right outside, with beautiful weather, but staying inside all day, rolling around in stale sheets but making them your own, not necessarily doing it all on purpose but because of a lovely person to stare into or a movie marathon or just the comfort of being trapped.

the city traps you, too. but in a very sweet blanket that you don't want to crawl out from. and it'd definately be a crawl, and it'd probably make you appreciate the distance between your fresh air and your soft ground.


desiree said...

ummm, I feel like my daydreams are all about sex.

cass said...

My most frequent daydream is being at work, not Milk and Honey, necessarily but just work and a friend who I haven't seen in years comes in and it's so good to see them I cry and then leave. Just like that, I drop everything and go with them. Another frequent daydream I have is being on a boat in the middle of nowhere. It's sunny and cool and no sight of land.


matthew said...

yeah, i'm TOTALLY the same, with those that involve friends just showing up and taking you away. which is exactly why i usually just show up places (like, home, for instance) without saying anything, because then it's like daydreams come true for others. i have a lot about sex, too, though.