Monday, March 3, 2008

reflections on reflection

a while ago, i wrote a blog on mirrors, revealing the benefits/tribulations of living the life of projective/reflective material. it was metaphorical in the sense that i have the habit of psychologically and personally projecting back that which is projected onto me. it's kind of complicated and tedious to understand, and i don't even understand it completely myself, but it happens. at the time i wrote the blog, i just flirted with the idea and stabbed at alliteration. imagine that!

today i took a slightly more sober stab at a similar situation. i revisited an establishment; both physical eatery and past person. i tried to classify thoughts.

1) mirrors must appear so. (obviously).
2) the company you keep matters to mirrors. (secondhand smoke still harms, and in my case, it's still chemically addictive).
3) social position is quintessential. (sad, but only true to those on a slightly higher rung).
4) one mirrors through the eyes. (see similar contact-based commentaries).
5) the decption of a two-way mirror can always be a cutting factor. (see lines below).

at the physical eatery, i tried to ignore the past person that became myself. i stared into a very small fish tank. i imagined my slight reflection in the glass, that of a normal self image. it carried absolutely no weight. but then i realized that one could completely ignore their little transparency and see the mocking simplicity of the square foot bounded by water and scale. the fish swam beautifully and helplessly. they had no chance of doing anything but live a sterile and dead life. i used a third lens and took a drink of the water from a dented aluminum can. if my fractures today cause anyone to not imbibe a similar drink, i would feel worlds away from those fish right now.

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