Saturday, December 1, 2007

(Faster)/(Speed of Sound Bytes)

biking up elston street to visit the abbey pub for a sweet and smokey night with madlib. nice bike lane; very smooth road. i remember thinking it was nice to explore yet another vein of the city, but immediately thought that claire would probably think that i should've been doing this same thing 4 months ago. [claire is a woman i've met recently who is very active. she laughs in the face of complacency but frets at the midwestern winter. it's cute.] i sum up my internal monolouge with a dillinger four quote: "it comes down to me in the end // the more i know, the less i comprehend // it comes down to me in the end".

translation: self-centered realism. we all need to do what's best for ourselves first in order to then do what's best for others. they really are the same thing, though. and if you spread your mind too thin, shit gets lost in the gaps. just know what you love and focus. take your time. it's better to know a few things really well then to know many many things briefly. the more i know, the less i comprehend. (and i practice this in ideas, but not in people, as my hypocracy dictates). be comprehensive and comprehending. at least that's what i got from it.

taking the artery back, california ave to potomac and rockwell, i thought cars for a second. i thought environmentalism and image and evolution. many people bike to save the planet, orsomethinglikethat. many drive to harm it. many move around in ignorance of all the issues. regardless, cars are quite an amazing facet of modernity. i still bike because it's cheaper and faster (at least in the city) and it makes me feel better physically and mentally and spatially and socially. but i'm still in favor of the end of the species, earth most likely going with it. it's interesting: i've noticed, the same people who talk shit about babies ("i don't need to live forever.....we have enough people on this earth already....") are the same people who are dramatic about the species ("we're heading to an unnatural end.....humans are worth saving..."). come on, pick a side. we deserve to die, and it's already in progress, so fuck it. do what you feel like, whatever makes you happy. 'be like the boy', as they say. and again, my thoughts summed up in a d4 quite: "smoke 'em if you got 'em 'cause we're never gonna learn // and dance upon the ashes of this world."

translation: smoke them if you have them, because we are never going to learn. and dance upon the ashes of this world.

the show went well. madlib mc'd a bit, but then battled an amazing drummer named kareem riggins while on turn tables. he faded his own stuff in and out and played samples and scratched while kareem wailed on drums, kinda jazzy but broken up break-beat shit. quite intense, even though the crowd wasn't as into it because there was no mc to cheer at. the show ended with pb wolf dj-ing/vj-ing, mixing old classics with new shit, and everything in between, but with the videos for each song cued up with the records and projected onto a big screen behind him. pretty neat. but the drumming took the show, i thought.


Ricky said...

i don't think i agree with your world view matt, but i do think it's cool that you bike a lot.

jill or jay said...

I mostly drive just on the off chance I'll see someone I dislike and can run them over :) I miss you!

Meg said...

I'm definitely of the camp that says, 'I don't plan on having children/the world is worth saving' think you sympathize with this world view more than you let on...?

matthew said...

lately i've been more like "i want kids, but i don't want them to live longer than me". kinda fucked up. but 2012, 2012....

Meg said...
