Saturday, December 8, 2007


In the world of hedonistic ideals, words mean nothing.

however, i will try to use words to describe this simple nothing.

Brant went to a bar. he got into a pseudo-political conversation with some rich boy acquaintances. he did nothing but drink their schlitz that they bought for him. the whole time they were totally in his face, yelling at him, cursing his politics because he had longish hair and "a pretty little moustache". Brant's friend Megan fought them with words while Brant just sat back in awe. they berated him in the thrid person off nothing but appearance. the men used the excuse, as defense, that they couldn't grow that "pretty little moustache" in a week. Brant has a beard. He got them VERY irate by saying, "you know what??? I LIKE THE ARCADE FIRE." they responded with awe and shock. they apologized at the end, saying they were the liberal ones. the city is a great place to meet people. this whole blog is true.

i sat at home with hot tea and talked to forest for 90 minutes. in the middle of the conversation, my hot water had just reached a boil and i filled up the thermos to steeping level. immediately afterward, i saw a roach on the kitchentop, right against the wall and on a towel that i put clean dishes on. my skin tingled with intrigue and joy as i realized the possibility that i could actually kill this creature with BOILING WATER. i went to pour, it scurried a bit, then i hit it with a healthy douse of deadly essential liquid. it died instantly. i felt like a candy kid on parade. i'm ashamed and amazed and loving at the same thought.

i may just go on, forever, killing bugs with hot water.

Brant said i should save some for those guys at the bar. He only meant it in the kindest way possible. He is very drunk right now.


peem said...

there were a lot of roaches in mexico. even though our house was clean, it was not sealed so the grimy street cucarachas would just crawl right in under the door or through the rattling windows. there is a serious sense of satisfaction is taking their lives. spraying super toxic poison directly on one and watching it twitchflip over. or finding them dead already. geez...maybe i am a sick fucker.
i'm glad you talked with forest for 90 minutes.

Meg said...

hum...I killed an injured roach that was in our bathroom a few weeks ago; I felt bad.

It's roach week here on blogspot.