Wednesday, January 16, 2008

a breath of fresh coffee

reading lives, i find comfort in the fact that others flail in the face of failure. i love to hear when people fall and scrape their knees really bad, because i'm all like "whoa, i scraped my knee REALLY bad, like 5 years ago, and it still hurts in the cold!" and i fell yesterday, and i'm planning a fall next week. so cheers to pubilc forums and keeping up with friends, and no cheers to alcohol because i've drank about 15 drinks too many in the last 3 days. i was planning on sobriety // i guess it'll have to wait.

speaking of cold, it's finally chilling down here. getting negative, and it's really nice that a girl here knitted me a little tie-on yarn mask, though i haven't been wearing it. perhaps i will when i shave, or start riding a bike again. i've recently decided i'm giving away the bike i got for free (found by miss kladzyk), to the street. good karma, eh? i've also been pissing in a returnable milk jug and pouring it in the sink when the bathroom is occupied. saves water, i presume. at least i'm not putting a balloon over it and collecting the resulting fermentations for further consumption? butthash: czech it out.

but borrowing to infidelity: my life will be interesting in the coming 7 months. don't know where i'll be, who i'll be with. just got a credit extention, but re-paying a large loan. my brother's getting fucked over in a divorce, but it seems to be in a positive, life-changing, cathartic way. motherfucker (not literally) wants to go to europe this summer, so it looks like we'll go for a month or so. from how it sounds, it'll be a lot like the plot of 'the darjeeling limited', which is interesting because i loved that movie, and my brother's never seen it (and has no idea who wes anderson is or what ANY of his movies are) yet came up with this travel-to-find-yourself-with-your-brother idea. quite a timely coincidence. i still need to defend my thesis and get my graduate degree, which i will lest my family and friends lose all hope in my intellectual abilities. i've already lost faith in them, but i hope (for THEIR sake) that they are still intact within my brain and its faculties.

but enough with that shit. here's the REAL news: Duthie's Golden Mole

now to brave the chicago cold, which is slightly worse than the flagstaff cold. not by much, though. think of flagstaff with a lake, that's about it. though the people (in general) are much more cold, which makes it slightly worse in perception. bummer. BUT, luckily, this pre-modern world is set up to seperate us nearly completely from the natural environment. cheers to gulps of stale air!

1 comment:

jill or jay said...

Check out the book, Honeymoon With My Brother, by Franz Wisner. Great book. About a guy who gets stood up at the alter and takes his brother on his honeymoon...and then they have so much fun they don't come back for two years. Jay and I are taking the train Friday to Kansas!